What is EXAKT - Made in Sweden ?
The philosophy behind EXAKT is simple - in theory ;) I always strife to be straight, simple (but not simplistic), clear, prim effective (but not stingy) and modern in everything I design... and add a little fun in the end ;) The battle cry is "less is more" (but not a bore).
Design does not have to be opulent to please the eye. Good design is always precise, ”exakt” in Swedish. It has to focus first on the purpose of the object to be created - and then add beauty and elegance.

It is no accident of course, that my principles are like they are. The girl behind this AV is from Sweden. And Swedish (or other Scandinavian) design has long been known exaktly for these qualities. From my first childhood days playing with my Swedish designed Doll House I loved exaktly this style of design.

Now - living in a bohemian part of beautiful Stockholm - I see, I enjoy, I "breath" it every day in many of the shops, galleries and offices of my beloved home town. And now I will bring more of it to SL, too - EXAKT-ly like it was meant to be ;)
Use this SLurl to visit: - ”EXAKT Main Store in Verloren” - and find out what can be done with Light ... and some more in Second Life.
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