Come celebrate Sweden’s National Day in Second Life (June 6)
On June 6 Swedes celebrate their national day. This year the celebrations in Second Life are going to be extra special — three days of shows and activities by some of Second Life’s most talented artists.
The celebrations start on Friday, June 6 at 8 p.m. Stockholm time (GMT+1 or 11 a.m. SL time) on the roof of Second House of Sweden, Sweden’s virtual embassy in Second Life.
Friday evening will be filled with performances by talented Swedish artists and DJs. Visitors will also have the opportunity to enjoy circus performances, clowns, fire eaters and more.
The Swedish Institute’s General Director Olle Wästberg will kick off the celebration at 8 p.m. After his introduction, there will be a sing-along to the Swedish national anthem. After that, the performance artists and DJs take over until late.

In the week running up to June 6, visit the lawn in front of the Second House of Sweden to see a special piece of scripted installation art. This NPIRL (not possible in real life) installation will materialize piece by piece to become a giant Swedish flag by June 6. The installation was conceived by Tina (PetGirl) Bergman and built and scripted by Deirdre Boyer.
Saturday and Sunday, June 7–8, you can explore the beautiful archipelago, take a swim, sit in the sauna, and visit the country fair — with juggling clowns and fire eaters, camping tents, popcorn, ice cream and model airplanes. At 11pm Stockholm time Saturday evening, the well-known vaudeville performance group “The Show Must Go On”, directed by Osprey Therain, makes a special appearance.
There will be plenty of freebie hand-outs, from red clown noses to the Swedish national dress and Swedish flag, just for starters.
All are welcome, Swedes and non-Swedes alike. If you are a Swede, try to bring a foreign friend, so they too can partake in Sweden’s national day.
See you soon!
Swedes in Second Life and the Swedish Institute.

Responsible for the production of this National Day celebration:
Ika Cioc - Art director and hostess during the celebration
Vira Broome - Virus manager
Belze Fraker - Bob the builder
Cur Waydelich - Clown on duty
Kay Uggla
Tina (PetGirl) Bergman - Producer and organizer
On stage we will have the elite of Swedish music in Second Life:
Natalie Moody
Ernst Edman
Bara Jonson
Junivers Stockholm
Two DJs will be responsible for the music during the evening and will make sure you feel like dancing.
Balp Allen - DJ
Freddie Lancaster - DJ
Special thanks to “The Show Must Go On” — Second Life’s best known vaudeville theater/circus.
From the Swedish Institute:
Olle Wästberg / Olle Ivory
Stefan Geens / Belmeloro DiPrima
Karl Peterson/ Nex Canning
Visit for contact information

Many thanks to these designers, who donated some wonderful objects to the group working on the celebration of Sweden’s national day in Second Life:
Lilith Hearth — plants
Alexa Lioncourt — disco equipment
Paul Ge — music instruments
Paul Ge — riot fences
Jesper Prinz — luxurious textures
Yoshinori Shirakawa — television equipment
Taco Rubio — therapist
Junivers Stockholm — a football field
Dinky Deschanel — circus equipment
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